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Day 1 October 26, 2022

12pm - 1:45


2pm - 3pm

Akiko Iwasaki (Online)

Title: Immune responses against SARS-CoV-2

Abstract: The clinical presentation of COVID-19 involves a broad range of symptoms and disease trajectories. Understanding the nature of the immune response that leads to recovery over severe disease is key to developing effective treatments for COVID-19. In this talk, I will discuss immune responses in both acute and long COVID. I will also discuss nasal vaccine approaches to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission.

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Contributed talks

(12min + 3min Q&A)

Super-resolution imaging provides new insights into nerve pathologies in patients with peripheral neuropathies
Janis Linke, Luise Appeltshauser, Hannah Heil, Christine Karus, Joachim Schenk, Claudia Sommer, Kathrin Doppler and Katrin Heinze

A Protective Neuro-Adipose Tissue Axis Against Malaria 
Temitope Wilson Ademolue, Susana Ramos, Jamill Kitoko, Ines Mahu, Ana Domingos and Miguel Soares

Renal glucose control disease tolerance to malaria
Susana Ramos, Qian Wu, Temitope Ademolue, Ana Figueiredo, Silvia Cardoso, Fabienne Rajas, Gilles Mithieux and Miguel Soares

Using Ordinary Differential Equations to Estimate Disease Dynamics From Individual Patient Data- A Case Study in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Research
Dennis Görlich (Online)

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Coffee break

4:30pm - 5:30pm

Contributed talks

(12min + 3min Q&A)

Detection of high-risk Human papillomavirus (hrHPV) and its level of agreement with VIA test for cervical cancer risk screening among women attended at the  DREAM Sant’Egídio health center, Maputo
Alberto R Sineque (Online), Giovanni Guidotti, Susanna Ceffa, Cacilda Massango, Fernanda Parruque, Júlia Sebastião, Elvira Luís, Carla Carrilho, Cesaltina Lorenzoni, Maria C Bicho and Fausto Ciccacci

Polymicrobial sepsis induces a hypometabolic response characterized by a distinct protein kinase signature 
Wolfgang Vivas, Franziska Roestel, Karen Dlubatz, Emilio Cirri, Nadine Poempner, Therese Dau, Alessandro Ori and Sebastian Weis

Macrophage control of organismal homeostasis
Rui Martins, Birte Blankenhaus, Faouzi Braza, Elisa Jentho, Ana Figueiredo, Patrícia Amador, Sumnima Singh, Sebastian Weis, Sílvia Cardoso, Pedro Ventura and Miguel P. Soares

Single-molecule sequencing of targetted methylated recombinant liver cell lines (ProteoCure COST Action Dissemination Talk)
İkbal Agah İnce, Claudia Theys, Darren Soanes, Peter de Rijk, Tim De Pooter, Wim Vanden Berghe, Katie Lunnon and Marianne G. Rots

5:30pm - 6:30pm

Poster Session & Social Reception

Poster session, hors d'oeuvres, and drinks at the IGC patio.


The physiological role of Emc3 in organismal metabolic homeostasis
Erika Carvalho, Abdulbasit Amin, Richard Little, Kvido Strisovsky, John Christianson, Pedro Domingos and Colin Adrain 

Biological role for the metabolic regulator GDF15 in sepsis 
Ana Neves-Costa, Isa Santos, Henrique Colaço, Seixas, Velho, Pedroso, Barros, Martins, Carvalho, Payen, Weis, Yi, Shong and Luís Ferreira Moita

The role of biliverdin reductase A in malaria.
Ana Figueiredo, Susana Ramos, Denise Duarte, Bindu Paul, Fátima Nogueira, Rui Martins and Miguel Soares

To stress... to resist? The power of stress responses in Sepsis 
Katia Jesus, André Barros, Elsa Seixas and Luís Ferreira Moita

Epi-flu: Histone/DNA modifications as a potent target for infection therapeutics
Masuma Shokriyan, Bernard Delmas, Nathalie Beaujean and İkbal Agah Ince

Effects of the socioeconomic class on the reduction of mobility during COVID-19 confinements
Pablo Valgañón, Andrés Useche, David Soriano-Paños, Gourab Ghoshal and Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes

Predict the need for an extra dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
Rafaela Guerra

Method for large scale quantification of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and real time data processing
Marie-Louise Bergman, Nadia Duarte, Ligia A. Gonçalves, Patricia Borges, Ana Brennand, Vanessa Correia, Paula Matoso, Carlos Penha Gonçalves, Tiago Paixão, Jocelyne Demengeot 

Predictability of antibody responses to COVID-19 vaccines
Marie-Louise Bergman, Nadia Duarte, Ligia A. Gonçalves, Patricia Borges, Ana Brennand, Vanessa Correia, Paula Matoso, Tiago Paixão, Carlos Penha Gonçalves, Jocelyne Demengeot 

Ready for BioData Management?
Carolina Ventura

The Portuguese Local European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA)
Jorge Oliveira

Flu or Not: A computational approach to respiratory-disease before and after COVID-19
Irma Varela-Lasheras, Eleonora Tulumello, Sara Mesquita, Joao Oliveira, Lilia Perfeito and Joana Gonçalves-Sá

Day 2 October 27, 2022

9am - 10am

Jesús Gómez Gardeñes

Title: Network-based interventions to mitigate dengue outbreaks via Wolbachia

Abstract: In 2009, it was discovered that when Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are infected with a bacterium called Wolbachia transmission of the dengue virus from mosquitoes to humans is drastically reduced. Unfortunately, Aedes mosquitoes do not acquire Wolbachia in their natural environment, this bacterium has to be introduced in a laboratory and, then, the mosquitoes are released in areas affected by dengue transmission. Mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia naturally take over the local mosquitopopulation, as the bacterium is passed on from one generation to the next. A difficult question to answer is how to make the best use of these valuable and limited resources to stop dengue transmission as much as possible. In this presentation we address this question by focusing on how to spatially distribute Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes so that their immunizing effect reaches and protects as many people as possible. To do this, we begin by developing a data-driven metapopulation model that can be analysed through the lens of network science and non-linear dynamics. This model incorporates those aspects that drive the spatial spread of dengue, such as human mobility and the spatial distribution of humans and vectors. We will show how this model recreates and predicts the spatial spread of dengue in a given region. Once the basic ingredients of the spread of dengue disease are understood, the most important geographical areas for the emergence of an epidemic are analysed, allowing the generation of a geographical immunisation ranking. From a theoretical point of view, the model presented in this talk has the advantage of taking advantage of real data on human and vector activity in a framework that, being realistic, can be analysed from a mathematical point of view. This allows us not only to recreate the epidemiological situation but, above all, to understand it. It is precisely this understanding that allows us to identify the geographical areas with the greatest vulnerability, thus creating a ranking of areas that prioritises those where Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes can have the strongest (and most beneficial) impact on the spread of dengue.

10am - 10:20am

Coffee break

Session 1:
10:20am - 12:15pm

Viral infection Session

Invited Talks

(30min + 5min Q&A)

Manlio de Domenico (Online)

Title: Multilayer networks modeling in life and disease: an overview


Jocelyne Demengeot

Title: Homogeneity and heterogeneity in antibody responses to vaccines


Contributed Talks

(12min + 3min Q&A)

Understanding COVID-19 pandemic trajectories: why changes in online behavior matter for now-casting
Sara Mesquita, Lilia Perfeito, João Loureiro, Cláudio Haupt-Vieira and Joana Gonçalves-Sá

A method to infer diagnoses from prescription data
Ana Sofia Brás Pinto, Lilia Perfeito, Sara Mesquita, Nuno Pereira and Joana Gonçalves-Sá

Analysis of electronic health records from three distinct and large populations reveals high prevalence and biases in the co-administration of drugs known to interact
Jon Sánchez, Rion Brattig Correia, Marta Camacho-Artacho, Rosalba Lepore, Mauro M. Mattos, Luis M. Rocha and Alfonso Valencia


12:15pm - 1:30pm


1:30pm - 2:30pm

Søren Brunak

Title: Longitudinal Phenotypes and Disease Trajectories at Population Scale

Abstract: Multi-step disease and prescription trajectories are key to the understanding of human disease progression patterns and their underlying molecular level etiologies. The number of human protein coding genes is small, and many genes are presumably impacting more than one disease, a fact that complicates the process of identifying actionable variation for use in precision medicine efforts. We present approaches to the identification of frequent disease and prescription trajectories from population-wide healthcare data comprising millions of patients and corresponding strategies for linking disease co-occurrences to genomic individuality. In the work we carry out temporal analysis of clinical data in a life-course oriented fashion. We use data covering 7-10 million patients from Denmark collected over a 20-40 year period and use them to “condense” millions of individual trajectories into a smaller set of recurrent ones. Such sets represent patient subgroups sharing longitudinal phenotypes that could form a basis for differential treatment designs of relevance to individual patients.

Session 2:
2:35pm - 4:15pm

Host-Microbe Interaction Session

Invited talks

(30min + 5min Q&A)

Miguel Soares

Title: Metabolic control of disease tolerance to infection


Anna Lena Jung

Title: Impact of bacterial extracellular vesicles on human host cells


Contributed talks

(12 min talk + 3 Q&A)

Spatio-temporal modeling of fungal infection dynamics in the human and murine lung
Marc Thilo Figge (Online), Christoph Saffer, and Sandra Timme

Molecular insights into the epidemiology of extended spectrum beta lactamases in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. from a Tertiary Care Center, Southern Thailand
Phanvasri Saengsuwan, Chonticha Romyasamit, Phoomjai Sornsenee, and Soontara Kawila

4:15pm - 4:40pm

Coffee break

Session 3:
4:40pm - 6:40pm

Immune System Session

Invited talks

(30min + 5min Q&A)

Cecilia Dominguez Conde

Title: Human immune cells across tissues and life stages


Elisabeth Salzer

Title: Perception matters - molecular mechanisms of morphology-controlled immune cell communication


Luís Graça

Title: Regulation of antibody production: from cells to populations


Contributed Talk

(12min + 3min Q&A)

Mechanisms of cell competition in T lymphocyte differentiation
Camila Ramos and Vera Martins.

6:40pm - 7:30pm

Symposium dinner

Official symposium dinner to all attendees.

Day 3 October 28, 2022

Session 4:
9:40am - 12:00am

Cardiovascular Session

Contributed talk

(12min + 3min Q&A)
Pathogen-specific host response in critically ill sepsis patients: a prospective cohort study
Joe Butler, Hessel Peters-Sengers, Fabrice Uhel, Marcus Schultz, Marc Bonten, Olaf Cremer, Thomas Yager, Brendon Scicluna and Tom van der Poll

Integrative single-cell analysis of atherosclerotic arteries to identify unknown cellular identities
José Basílio, Johannes Schmid, and Susana Vinga.

Invited talks

(30min + 5min Q&A)

Maria Carmo-Fonseca

Title: RNA Splicing in cardiac disease.


Dulce Brito

Title: Genotype-phenotype associations in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mutations in the troponin T gene.


Jorge Oller Pedrosa (Online)

Title: Mitochondrial respiration in aortic aneurysms.

12:00pm - 1:40pm


1:40pm - 2pm

Awards (best presentation & poster)

2pm - 3pm

Mervyn Singer

Title: Adaptation vs Maladaptation in critical illness – can organ ‘failure’ be protective?

Abstract: TBD

Session 5:
3:00pm - 4:45pm

Sepsis Session

Invited talks

(30min + 5min Q&A)

Brendon Scicluna

Title: Integrative Molecular Models to Identify Drivers of Immune Cell Function


Sebastian Weis

Title: Disease Tolerance to Sepsis- a clinical perspective


Sylvia Knapp

Title: Determinants of pulmonary immune homeostasis

4:45pm - 5:00pm

Coffee break

Session 6:
5:00pm - 6:15pm

The future of interdisciplinary biomedical research.

Interdisciplinary panel with invited talks and commentary discussion.

 Luis M. Rocha


Erin Tranfield


 Luis Moita


 Susana M. Fernandes


Closing remarks

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