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A transdisciplinary symposium towards understanding human health.

October 26-28, 2022. Oeiras, Portugal 🇵🇹

The global pandemic showed the critical importance of integrating fundamental 🧬, computational 🖥, and clinical research 👩‍⚕️ to promote systemic understanding of a global threat to humankind. Global epidemiological assessments informing national and regional policy-making around the world were only made possible due to fundamental mechanistic knowledge of coronavirus biology dating back decades, large-scale data on human mobility patterns enabled by recent technologies, as well as massive onsite and dynamic clinical reporting from health institutions.

It is now clear that complex human diseases can only be tackled by transdisciplinary efforts that integrate fundamental, computational, and clinical research. This is not, however, an easily achievable feat, as fundamental laboratory discoveries are often not directly transferable into clinical settings, with controlled experiments not necessarily reflecting organismic and societal complexity. Only with synergy between fundamental researchers, clinicians, and data scientists can we hope to gain the depth of understanding required to address the physiological mechanisms behind some of the most challenging human diseases at the interface between hosts and pathogens.

The goal of the [3C] Cells, Computers & Clinics Symposium is to do exactly that, to bridge fundamental, computational, and clinical research in the scope of complex diseases, including (but not limited to) those related to host-pathogen interactions.

We look forward to having you with us, on the sunny and beautiful campus of the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, a research institute at the forefront of interdisciplinary biomedical research located in Lisbon, where the Tejo river meets the Atlantic.

See the submission & registration instructions

Important dates & details

Symposium dates: October 26-28th, 2022
Submission deadline: September 7th, 2022 September 23th, 2022
Registration Waiver: September 7th, 2022
Registration deadline: October 1st, 2022

Participation costs

  Student / Postdoc Academic Industry
On-site participation* 100€ 150€ 300€
Online participation (50%) 50€ 75€ 150€

*On-site registration includes meals and social program.
Accommodation not included and a list of suggested hotels will be added soon.

Commitment to inclusiveness 
We have a limited number of online registration waivers (100%) for participants from developing countries or in need of financial support. If you would like to be considered please fill out this form (waiver form). In addition, the meeting is open to a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, so as to broaden discussions and promote collaborations across different disciplines. We also recommend third-party travel grant options, such as the Company of Biologists' Disease Models and Mechanisms Conference Travel Grant.

Family-friendly event 
The venue has a fully equipped lactation room (with fridge and microwave oven), and childcare support (crèche and nursery services) can be arranged, upon request, in partnership with an off-site school located 2.5 km from the meeting venue. Please indicate on the registration form whether you would like to request this service (limited numbers), as well as details on the age of your child.

Sustainability 🌿
All meals are vegetarian by default. At registration, you can select other dietary options. Badges will be retrieved and recycled at the end of the symposium. We will also avoid unnecessary conference bags and paraphernalia; reusable glass bottles of water will be provided to speakers and participants instead of disposable plastic bottles. We will hold the meeting in hybrid mode, both for inclusiveness and to limit travel and consequently, carbon footprint.

See the submission & registration instructions


Start: October 26, 2022
End: October 28, 2022

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

Rua Quinta Grande 6
2780-156 Oeiras Lisboa


Søren Brunak

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research
  • Søren Brunak

    Søren Brunak is a leading pioneer in the biomedical sciences through invention and introduction of new computational strategies for analysis of biomedical data for use in molecular biology, medicine and biotechnology. His main achievements can be divided into two categories: 1) new, advanced bioinformatics and systems biology techniques, and 2) discovery of biological mechanisms, revealed by the use of these methods in a wide range of biological systems.

    Søren Brunak has been working within bioinformatics and computational biology since mid-1980s. In the early data-poor period Søren Brunak pioneered the introduction of new computational strategies for analysis of biological data of relevance in molecular biology, medicine and biotechnology – in particular machine learning techniques. In 1993 Søren Brunak became the founding Director of the Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), heading a multi-disciplinary research group of molecular biologists, biochemists, medical doctors, physicists, and computer scientists.

    In 2007 Søren Brunak became one of the founding research directors at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research at the University of Copenhagen. His program for Disease Systems Biology combines molecular level systems biology and the analysis of phenotypic data from the healthcare sector. In 2011 Søren Brunak was also one of the founders of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability at DTU, where he led the Section for Metagenomic Systems Biology until 2013. He continues to be affiliated professor at DTU (DTU Bioinformatics) as well as at Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet).

    The impact of Brunak’s research is in particular a consequence of his ability to combine scientific disciplines in novel ways, including computer technology (hardware and software), physics, biology, biomedical and biotechnological insights. His multi-disciplinary approaches, where concepts from different areas have been combined, have led to advances in the understanding of the function of biological systems, and thereby fundamentally improved the possibilities for control of disease via novel intervention strategies, and enhancement of health in general. Søren Brunak has been a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 2016, a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2004 and a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization since 2009.

    Søren Brunak has published close to 300 papers in international peer reviewed scientific journals (excluding proceedings), co-authored four books, three proceedings and edited books.

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Akiko Iwasaki

Yale School of Medicine
  • Akiko Iwasaki

    Akiko Iwasaki, Ph.D., is a Sterling Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at Yale University, and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in Canada and her postdoctoral training from the National Institutes of Health. Her research focuses on the mechanisms of immune defense against viruses at the mucosal surfaces, and the development of mucosal vaccine strategies. She is the co-Lead Investigator of the Yale COVID-19 Recovery Study, which aims to determine the changes in the immune response of people with long COVID after vaccination. Dr. Iwasaki also leads multiple other studies to interrogate the pathobiology of long COVID, both in patients, and through developing animal models of long COVID. Dr. Iwasaki was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2018, to the National Academy of Medicine in 2019, to the European Molecular Biology Organization in 2021, and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021.

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Mervyn Singer

University College London
  • Mervyn Singer

    Mervyn Singer is professor of intensive care medicine at University College London. His primary research interests are sepsis and multi-organ failure, infection, shock and haemodynamic monitoring. Funding for these activities primarily comes from the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, European Union and National Institute for Health Research.

    He developed an oesophageal doppler haemodynamic monitor; multiple studies have shown its use to improve outcomes after major surgery and reduce length of stay. He co-developed the UCL Ventura CPAP device to support the breathing of COVID-19 patients in respiratory failure which has been widely distributed around the NHS and to many other countries. He has led on a number of important multi-centre trials in critical care, authored various papers and textbooks including the Oxford Handbook of Critical Care, now in its third edition, and is current chair of the International Sepsis Forum.

    He co-chaired the Sepsis-3 Definitions International Task Force that redefined sepsis in 2016; the resulting paper has had >three million views and is one of the most heavily cited in the scientific literature over the past five years. He was the first UK intensivist to be awarded senior investigator status by the National Institute for Health Research, and to be invited to give plenary lectures at the European and US Intensive Care Congresses.

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Cecilia Dominguez Conde

Fondazione Human Technopole
  • Cecilia Dominguez Conde

    Cecilia Domínguez Conde is a Group Leader at the Population & Medical Genomics programme of the Genomics Centre. After training as a pharmacist in the University of Seville, Cecilia went on to do a PhD in Immunology at the Research Centre for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) in Vienna where her work focused on dissecting the genetic cause of molecularly undiagnosed primary immunodeficiencies using exome sequencing. In 2019 Cecilia joined the Teichmann lab at the Wellcome Sanger Institute where her focus has been to dissect the diversity of human immune cell types across lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues as part of the Human Cell Atlas initiative. Her research group at HT uses cutting-edge genomic technologies to study developmental immunology.

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Manlio De Domenico

Dept. of Physics of University of Padua
  • Manlio De Domenico

    Associate Professor of Applied Physics and Head of the Complex Multilayer Networks (CoMuNe) Lab at the Department of Physics and Astronomy 'Galileo Galilei' of the University of Padua.

    My research activity is at the edge of theoretical, experimental, and computational aspects of statistical physics of complex systems, where theory is used to make hypotheses about empirical phenomena in biological, ecological, socio-technical, and socio-ecological sciences, which are then validated in real (sometimes massive) data sets. To date, I have applied such tools to:

    • the interactome of humans and several other organisms
    • the human, macaque and C. Elegans connectomes
    • a variety of socio-ecological and socio-technical ecosystems
    • the Internet and the Dark Web
    • a variety of transportation infrastructures, including the global airport network, rail networks, road networks, and multimodal urban transportation means

    A (non-exhaustive) list of my current activities includes:

    • the mathematical formulation of multiplex networks, the study of their structure and of dynamical processes on such systems, the study of their resilience to random or targeted perturbations
    • the formulation of an appropriate statistical physics/information theory of complex networks
    • the formulation of a geometry of network-driven processes
    • the application of advanced mathematical techniques to reduce the complexity of networked systems
    • the functional representation of a system from the measurement of signals produced by its units, with application to the human brain, human interactome, climate change, and social systems

    I also find enough time to investigate hidden structural and dynamical patterns in complex real and virtual time-varying networks, with particular attention to social, biological, and economic systems. Indeed, I develop models and simulations for human mobility, the spreading of epidemics, and of information in real-world social networks.

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Jocelyne Demengeot

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
  • Jocelyne Demengeot

    The research group, led by Jocelyne Demengeot, is concerned with those properties of the immune system that guarantee tissue integrity as well as tolerance to commensals and food antigens while maintaining the ability to mount efficient responses to infectious agents and some tumours. Rooted in this thematic is also the biological puzzle of phenotypic heterogeneity, the challenge of personalised medicine.

    The research group approach the cellular and molecular bases of immune regulation through the analysis of various mouse models, notably of spontaneous or induced autoimmune and immuno-pathological inflammation.

    Closer to the clinic, they interrogate the biological basis of the most extreme manifestations in autoimmune diseases and of the variable efficacy of immunotherapies.

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Luis M. Rocha

Binghamton University

Maria Carmo-Fonseca

Instituto de Medicina Molecular
  • Maria Carmo-Fonseca

    Gene regulation is central to all biology. RNA molecules, with their ability to both encode information and exert catalytic activities, play a key role in the regulation of gene expression.

    Our group aims to discover molecular pathways and mechanisms implicating RNA in human health and disease. More specifically, we study RNA splicing and its role in the regulation of gene expression in cancer and genetic diseases, and we are exploring new medical applications for RNA.

    Research Areas:

    • Cell Biology
    • Genomics
    • RNA Splicing
    • RNA in Disease
    • Epigenetics
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Sebastian Weis

Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology

Dulce Brito

Hospital de Santa Maria
  • Dulce Brito

    Dulce Brito licenciou-se em Medicina na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, em 1982. Especializou-se em medicina interna, em medicina intensiva e em cardiologia, tendo feito a maior parte da sua aprendizagem e treino nestas áreas no Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (Lisboa, Portugal). Posteriormente, desenvolveu na mesma Faculdade a sua tese de Doutoramento na área de Miocardiopatias, adquirindo o grau de Doutor (PhD.) em 2007. Desde então é Professora Auxiliar Convidada de Cardiologia na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa.

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Peyman Sardari Nia

Maastricht University Medical Center
  • Peyman Sardari Nia

    Dr. Peyman Sardari Nia is a Senior Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands, where he specializes in minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgery. He is also the leader and initiator of the mitral valve program in Maastricht. Dr. Sardari Nia is actively involved in the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and founder and director of the EACTS courses in minimally invasive techniques for adult cardiac surgery and endoscopic mitral valve repair.

    Meet the expert:


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Sylvia Knapp

Medical University of Vienna
  • Sylvia Knapp

    Sylvia Knapp, MD, PhD, is Professor of Infection Biology at the Medical University of Vienna. Sylvia studied Medicine in Vienna and Berlin, is a board-certified internist and obtained her PhD at the University of Amsterdam. In  2006, she joined CeMM as a Principal Investigator and until recently, she continued her clinical duties while  also running her own lab. Sylvia’s research focuses on the innate immune response to infections in general, focusing specifically on the comprehensive repertoire of macrophage functions in health, development, and disease. Her group discovered the molecular mechanisms linking hemolysis and susceptibility to infections. Her latest research is directed towards the interplay of immune cells regulating lung tissue homeostasis in health and disease. Sylvia is highly committed to bridging academic medicine and basic science. She is a member of the Academia.Net circle of excellent female scientists and was elected corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2014. In 2018, Sylvia was appointed to the University Board of the Medical University of Graz and elected vice president of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society.

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Brendon Scicluna

L-Università ta' Malta
  • Brendon Scicluna

    Before joining the University of Malta’s Dept. of Applied Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Scicluna held a tenured position at the respected Amsterdam University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Data Science, as well as faculty position in the Center for Experimental Molecular Medicine, Amsterdam Institute of Infection and Immunity. Dr. Scicluna’s work focuses on clinical immunogenomics and immunobiology in the context of critical illness due to severe infections, non-infectious aetiologies, and cancer. Dr. Scicluna’s work is published in several prestigious international journals that include Nature, Nature Immunology, Nature Reviews Immunology, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Cell Metabolism, and the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Scicluna is an active member of international consortia, including a Sepsis Subclasses consortium, and the Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance in Europe (COMBACTE) consortium (
    He read for his undergraduate degree at St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA, which he followed with an M.Sc. from the University of Malta. He then joined the University of Amsterdam’s Academic Medical Centre to read for his Ph.D.
    Dr. Scicluna has successfully coordinated and executed several population-scale clinical genomics studies, which have culminated in various high impact publications, as well as candidate biomarkers with clinical implications. Dr. Scicluna’s work has been highlighted as a key bridge to fulfill the promise of personalized genomics and precision medicine in the context of infectious diseases and intensive care medicine. He has collaborated with several respected research groups in the USA and Europe on topics that include sepsis, neuropathology, disease tolerance and cancer. He is also a very much sought-after lecturer by various conferences and institutes abroad.

    Dr. Scicluna is currently working within the framework of the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) COVID-19 RnD fund - project “TargetID” (

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Jesús Gómez Gardeñes

Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Jesús Gómez Gardeñes

    Jesús is an associate professor (Profesor Titular) in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He leads the Group of Theoretical & Applied Modeling (GOTHAM lab) at the Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI).

    The primary goal of GOTHAM lab gravitates around theoretical and computational aspects of complex systems, with main focus on data-driven modeling of empirical systems and the analysis of collective behaviors.

    Our interests are widely interdiciplinar and cover scientific fields such as Epidemiology, Ecology, Systems biology, Neuroscience and Social sciences. Our main modeling tools require the use of techniques from Statistical and Computational physics, Nonlinear dynamics, Network Science and Big Data analysis.

    In a nutshell, our aim is to shed light on the basic mechanisms and interactions that shape the behavior of real-world complex systems.

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Erin Tranfield

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
  • Erin Tranfield

    Erin Tranfield obtained her PhD at the University of British Columbia (Canada), did a postdoc at NASA Ames Research Center (USA) and another at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-HD, Germany). In 2013, she moved to the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência to build a biological electron microscopy facility. Today her and her dedicated team support the research of Portuguese-based scientists, aiming to answer a diverse array of biological and material science questions. Erin has more than 20 years of biological electron microscopy experience with expertise in room temperature EM, cryo-immobilization, electron tomography, and CLEM. She is the President of the Portuguese Microscopy Society, the co-chair of the ESA Topical Team on Celestial Dust Toxicity, a member of the EMBL Alumni Board, part of numerous evaluation panels and she recently joined the Editorial Board of Wiley Analytical Science. In 2020 Erin founded the TechEM Seminar Series which aims to bring advanced technical seminars to EM Facility staff all over Europe and Asia.

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Luís Moita

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
  • Luís Moita

    The Innate immunity and inflammation laboratory works on two different topics: innate immunity and inflammation. Their focus on innate immunity is centered on the study of antigen cross-presentation mechanisms and the immunobiology of dendritic cells.

    Effective immune responses against tumor antigens that are not endogenously expressed by dendritic cells (DCs) and against viruses that do not infect antigen presenting cells (APCs) require extracellular antigens to stimulate CD8+ T cells via the MHC I pathway through a process poorly characterized at the molecular level known as antigen cross-presentation.

    Researchers are using a series of systematic genetic approaches to identify the molecular machinery involved in antigen cross-presentation. In addition, we want to explore antigen cross-presentation as an early immune-regulatory checkpoint in the control of CD8+ T cell priming by dendritic cells, to find drugs that inhibit negative regulators of this process, as they are likely to improve the generation of effective T cells responses against tumors and are good candidates for novel adjuvant therapies for cancer treatment.

    The second theme of the laboratory relates to inflammation.

    Severe sepsis remains a poorly understood systemic inflammatory condition with high mortality rates and limited therapeutic options outside of infection control and organ support measures.

    Based on their recent discovery in mice showing that anthracycline drugs prevent organ failure without affecting the bacterial burden in a model of severe sepsis, we propose that strategies aimed at target organ protection have extraordinary potential for the treatment of sepsis and possibly for other inflammation-driven conditions.

    However, the mechanisms of organ protection and disease tolerance are either unknown or poorly characterized.

    The central goal of this research program is to identify and characterize novel cytoprotective mechanisms, with a focus on DNA damage response dependent protection activated by anthracyclines as a window into stress-induced genetic programs leading to tissue protection.

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Miguel Soares

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
  • Miguel Soares

    Immunity evolved in multicellular organisms to limit the potential negative impact resulting from continuous exposure to microbes. Innate and adaptive components of the immune system are endowed with the capacity to sense and target pathogenic microorganisms for containment, destruction or expulsion as the means to preserve organismal homeostasis and fitness. Resistance to infection refers to the output of these immune functions.

    Multicellular organisms also evolved another defense strategy that preserves organismal homeostasis and fitness without exerting a direct negative impact on microorganisms. This defense strategy, referred to as disease tolerance, relies on evolutionarily conserved stress and damage responses that limit the extent of metabolic dysfunction and damage imposed on parenchyma tissues, either directly by pathogenic microorganisms or indirectly by immune-driven resistance mechanisms.

    The overall aim of the Inflammation Laboratory is to identify and characterize these stress and damage responses which confer tissue damage control and establish disease tolerance to infection.

    The central hypothesis tested is that a functional interplay between immune-driven resistance mechanisms, and stress and damage responses acting in parenchyma tissues, exists to limit, counter and repair the pathogenic effects of infection.

    Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms governing this network of interactions and responses should be transformative in our understanding of host-microbe interactions, with direct impact on the treatment of infectious diseases.

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Luís Graça

Instituto de Medicina Molecular
  • Luís Graça

    The Cellular Immunology Lab studies mechanisms able to induce and maintain immune tolerance. We study diseases, or animal models of human pathologies, where the immune system has an inappropriate action, such as in autoimmunity, transplantation or allergy.

    We aim to reprogram the immune system, inducing the expansion of regulatory T cells capable of reinstating the tolerance state. We always strive to validate our experimental results in collaboration with clinical scientists.

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Anna Lena Jung

Institute for Lung Research; Philipps University Marburg

Elisabeth Salzer

Medical University of Vienna

Susana M. Fernandes

University of Lisbon Medical School
Susana M. Fernandes
  • Susana M. Fernandes

    After completing a PhD in clinical immunology and residency in internal medicine in 2015, I have been dedicated to Critical Care. I have been involved and coordinated several outcome research projects, developed, and became responsible for critical care teaching at Medical School of the University of Lisbon and pursued translational studies as a researcher at Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes. Since my fist days as a critical care physician, I have been always interested in lung injury and recovery and started an ongoing project in this field which was also adapted during Covid-19 pandemic. I am now particularly interested in understanding the recovery from critical illness, and patterns of recovery after ARDS and sepsis.

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Jorge Oller Pedrosa

Centro De Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa
Jorge Oller Pedrosa


The Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

The 3C Symposium will be hosted by Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC). The IGC is a multidisciplinary research institute devoted to biological and biomedical research, innovative training, and transforming society through science. It is part of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, a perpetual foundation with charitable, artistic, educational and scientific statutory aims.




The Institute has an international environment and English is spoken by everyone. The IGC is also home to a beautiful and sunny campus where talks, meeting, and lunches are often held outside in our patio with its gigantic LED screen. It is also located just a few steps from the Tejo River, the Santo Amaro de Oeiras beach, and the Palace of Marquis of Pombal.


Portugal is the westernmost European country and is known for its temperate climate, hospitality and eclectic cultural traditions. The IGC is located in the Portuguese Riviera, a short distance away from the nation’s capital (Lisbon). Central Lisbon can easily be reached by a 20 minute train ride (direct service). The beautiful Oeiras beachfront is a short 10 minute walk from the IGC. The old-world charm of picturesque Cascais and the extravagant architecture of historic Sintra are just 20 minutes away.

Getting to the IGC from Lisbon's airport

Take the subway (Metro - ticket fare: 1.5€) from Aeroporto (red line) to the Cais do Sodré Metro station (green line).

You will find access to the Airport Metro station right outside the Arrivals Terminal.

Take the red line and switch to the green line at Alameda station (direction: Cais do Sodré).

At the Cais do Sodré Metro station, follow the signs to the train (CP - linha de Cascais) ground station.

Lisbon - Oeiras - Cascais CP trains

A direct train line connects Lisbon to Oeiras and Cascais, with both fast and slow trains (on average, 30 minutes of travel - ticket fare: 1.95€).

Fast trains connect Lisbon (Cais do Sodre) to Cascais, with stops in Alcantara and Oeiras.

Slow trains connect Lisbon (Cais do Sodre) to Oeiras, stopping at every station. Download the train schedule below (cpcascais.pdf)

From the Oeiras train station to the IGC (see map)

The Oeiras train station is located at a safe walking distance from the IGC (8 minutes).

Take the left exit from the train station and cross the road to the side of the street where you will find a pharmacy and a restaurant.

Keep walking until you get to an intersection with traffic lights.

Turn left again and cross the road. Welcome to the IGC!

Lisbon metro map




We acknowledge generous support from the following enterprises.


The [3C] Cells, Computers & Clinics Symposium is proudly organized by an interdisciplinary team of scientists at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência. You can reach the organization at

These are the scientists behind the symposium:

Elisa Jentho

Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Elisa Jentho

    Elisa has a PhD in molecular medicine with the focus on the innate immune system from the Jena University Hospital (Germany) and is currently a PostDoc in the Inflammation Lab led by Miguel Soares at the IGC. Her interests are to uncover molecular mechanisms of infectious diseases which can serve as the basis for new treatment strategies as an alternative to antibiotic use. Her research focus lies within the interaction of innate immune cells, e.g. macrophages and parenchymal tissues, in the context of sepsis.

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Rion Brattig Correia

Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Rion Brattig Correia

    Rion has a PhD in the Complex Networks & Systems track of Informatics from Indiana University (IN, USA). His interests lie in improving human health, a multi-leveled complex adaptive system of interacting chemical components at the micro, and whole individuals at the macro level. His research focuses towards understanding this system, all the way from biochemical regulation and systems biology, to individual, social, and population level behaviors, using primarily methods from complexity science and its sub-fields of data and network science; supported by inherently heterogeneous data, including Boolean networks, genomics, electronic health records, and even social media.

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Katharina Willmann

Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Katharina Willmann

    Katharina holds a PhD in biochemistry/molecular immunology from UCL/CRUK and is interested in molecular medicine, having worked in clinical and basic research on rare primary immunodeficiency patients (CeMM Vienna) as well as on systems biology approaches. Her current focus is on molecular and metabolic mechanisms of host tolerance to sepsis with Luis Moita at IGC.

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David Soriano-Paños

Postdoctoral Researcher
  • David Soriano-Paños

    David Soriano-Paños holds a PhD in Physics from University of Zaragoza and currently works as an independent postdoctoral researcher at IGC. His research is focused on the characterization of complex systems through the lens of statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics and network science, especially focusing on the interplay between human mobility and the spread of communicable diseases.

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Dora Pedroso

Lab Manager
  • Dora Pedroso

    Dora holds a PhD in Molecular Biology (KCL, UK). She has worked in stem cells and biomaterials for tissue regeneration, DUB enzymes germane to cancer as drug targets in a drug discovery programme and anthracyclines in the context of infectious diseases, such as sepsis. She is currently the Lab Manager in Luís Moita’s lab at IGC.

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Tiago Velho

Cardiac surgery resident & PhD Student
  • Tiago Velho

    Tiago is a cardiac surgery resident and a PhD student in the Innate Immunity and Inflammation laboratory at IGC, working as a physician and a researcher. He is interested in clinical and basic research, particularly on organ dysfunction and host tolerance. His research focus is now the metabolic mechanisms of systemic inflammatory response syndrome after cardiac surgery, and how their modulation can induce postoperative tissue protection and host tolerance.

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Silvia Cardoso

Senior research assistant
  • Silvia Cardoso

    Sílvia is a Senior Research Technician in the Inflammation Lab led by Miguel Soares at the IGC. She holds a post-graduation in Parasitology. Since 2005 she works with mouse models and is responsible for the management of mouse colonies and all the mice generated for experimental purposes at the Inflammation Lab, with critical contributions to several publications.

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Jess Thompson

Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Jess Thompson

    Jess is a post-doctoral researcher working in the Inflammation Lab with Dr. Miguel Soares, at the IGC. Her research interests stem from a desire to understand the molecular mechanisms through which bacteria interact with each other and their hosts to reciprocally modulate each other’s physiology in health and disease. She completed her PhD at Imperial College, London, in Salmonella-macrophage interactions, investigated mechanisms of intra- and inter-bacterial signalling in the mammalian gut microbiota, and is now looking at how host glucose metabolism affects Salmonella virulence during systemic infection.

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Christian Diwo

PhD Student
Christian Diwo
  • Christian Diwo

    Is working on membrane protein biogenesis using influenza virus replication as a model, to tease apart self-organizing principles that govern protein targeting at the ER. To answer these questions, specific protein-protein interactions and targeting steps need to be framed in a larger proteostatic frame using proteomics approaches. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Maria-João Amorim’s lab, in collaboration with Colin Adrain’s lab.

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Registration & Submissions Instructions

Submitting your contribution

Submission for Talks and Posters highlighting recently published papers, preliminary findings, and problematic discussions aligned with the topics are all welcome and should be done via EasyChair. This process is independent of your Symposium registration.

Important, you need to register for an EasyChair account in order to submit your contribution.

Once you have your EasyChair account, use the following link to submit your contribution:

Submission deadline: September 7th, 2022 September 23th, 2022.

Submission Format

Submissions must be limited to 2 pages including titleauthorsaffiliationsabstract (~500 words), an optional figure with caption, and references (A4; 12pt; 1in margin). Please include keywords that align your submission to the session topics below.

Topics / Sessions:

  • Lung
  • Gut
  • Immune system
  • Cardiovascular
  • Sepsis
  • Viral infections
  • Host-Microbe interactions
  • Systemic diseases
  • Infectious diseases
  • Epidemics
  • Industry relations and perspective
  • Integrative methods
  • Complex systems / Complex networks.

The symposium will not publish proceedings but the organizing committee will compile a paper report that summarizes sessions and their discussions. Authors should not submit confidential data as abstracts will be made publicly available.

Registering for the symposium

Registrations to attend the symposium, either onsite or online, can be done via the following link: This process is independent of your contribution submission.

Payment instructions: Invoices for participants to pay their registration fee will be sent via email to registered participants directly from our Events Team office (they will not be handled by an online platform). Once registered, you should wait to be contacted by our Events Team.

Registration deadline: October 1st, 2022.


All other questions should be directed to the symposium organizers at

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