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Ulrich Genschel

Head of Sector at European Commission DG R&I, BE

“Lump Sum Funding in HE: How does it work? How to write a lump sum proposal?”

Presentation UlrichGenschel


Staška Mrak Jamnik

Head of University Office for Research, University of Ljubljana, SI

“HE Lump Sum Funding: Lessons learned”

Presentation StaskaMJamnik


Linda Piálek

Head of EU Office, Kiel University, DE

“Lump Sums: How to prepare for the unknown?”

Presentation LindaPialek


Virginia Otón Garcia

Head of Grants Services, EMBL, DE

“EMBL experience with Lump Sum applications in Horizon Europe: challenges and opportunities.”

Presentation VirginiaOGarcia 


Sara Van der Gucht

EU-funded project coordinator and financial policy advisor, EU-Team, Research Coordination Office, Ghent University, BE

“The impact of the Lump Sum funding model: how to keep the balance between freedom and control.”

Presentation SaraVdG


Alexandre Marques

National Delegate and NCP, Legal and Financial Issues - EIC and EIT; Model Grant Agreement National Expert – National Innovation Agency, PT

“Legal and Financial context and institutional concerns implementing Lump Sum projects.”

Presentation AlexandreMarques

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