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Scientific organising committee

Martin Blaser (Rutgers University, US) Resident Microbes and ecology of human diseases

Thomas Bosch (Kiel University, Germany) Evolution and the Ecology of development

Margaret McFall-Ngai (Carnegie Institution for Science, US) Invertebrate-microbe symbiotic interactions

Luís Teixeira (Católica Biomedical Research Centre, Portugal; Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal) Host-Microbe Interactions

Karina Xavier (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal) Bacterial Signalling


Organising Institutions

This Summer School is organized by SymbNET, an European network for research on host-microbe symbiosis, at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (FCG-IGC).

The FCG-IGC has a strong background in postgraduate studies and research on host-microbe symbioses and is uniquely prepared to organise this innovative and high-quality Summer School. 

The course is co-organized by the Moore Foundationthe Católica Biomedical Research Centre, the Origin and Functions of Metaorganisms Collaborative Research Centre 1182 (CRC 1182), and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR).






  “SymbNET has received funding from the Eurpean Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952537”.   


"This course is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grant GBMF11550 to the FCG-IGC."

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