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2º Global Microbiome Network – GloMiNe – Simpósio para a África

Janeiro 13-14, 2022


Programa (Evento Online)

O program refere-se ao horário da África Central (CAT), que é UTC +2h 

Etiópia = + 1h; Angola = - 1h; Europa Central = - 1h;

Gana and Portugal = - 2h; US ET – Nova Iorque = - 7h 



1º DIA - 13 Jan 2022


Sessão de Boas-Vindas


13:00-13:15 | ALEXANDER KWARTENG (KNUST, Ghana & KCCR, Ghana) and KARINA XAVIER (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal)

13:15-13:30 | MARTIN BLASER (Rutgers University, USA): The microbiome is precious and antibiotics are damaging it


Session 1: The importance of microbiomes for human health in Africa and beyond

Moderators: MANUEL FANKHAUSER (Seerave Foundation, UK) & PASCALE VONAESCH (University of Lausanne, Switzerland and National Competence Centre in Research Microbiomes)


13:30-13:45 | PASCALE VONAESCH (University of Lausanne, Switzerland and National Competence Centre in Research Microbiomes)
Undernutrition and the microbiota in Africa

13:45-14:00 | ALEXANDER KWARTENG (KNUST, Ghana & KCCR, Ghana)
Skin Microbiome and lymphatic filariasis

14:00-14:15 | MATHIEU GROUSSIN (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA & University of Kiel, Germany)
The Global Microbiome Conservancy, preserving and understanding our microbial heritage

14:15-14:30 | LUIS TEIXEIRA (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal)
Insect vectors microbiome and disease transmission

14:30-14:45 | Break

14:45-15:00 | WENDY GARRETT (Harvard University, USA)
Why we need to preserve the microbiota

15:00-15:15 | KERINA DURI (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe)  & LEOLIN KATSIDZIRA (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe)
Microbiome Research in Zimbabwe: Leveraging on Natural Experiments

15:15-15:30 | KARINA XAVIER (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal):
The gut microbiota and protection against intestinal pathogens

15:30-15:45 | MIGUEL BRITO (Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal)
Gut microbiome and Sickle cell disease in Angola

15:45-16.00 | JACQUES RAVEL (University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA)
The role of the vaginal microbiota in women’s health

16:00-16:15 | FOREST ROHWER (San Diego State University, USA)
Holobiont Uniqueness

16:15-16:30 | Break

16:30-17:00 | Discussion: Networking session

17.00 | End of day one

2º DIA - 14 Jan 2022


Session 2: Culture, Ecology and local efforts on working with remote communities


12:00-12:15 | MODERATORS: ALEXANDER KWARTENG (KNUST, Ghana & KCCR, Ghana) & ABDIFATAH MUKTAR MUHUMMED (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute/University of Basel, Switzerland and Jigjiga University, Ethiopia) 
Introduction to Session 2 

12:15-12:30 | ABDIFATAH MUKTAR MUHUMMED (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute/University of Basel, Switzerland and Jigjiga University, Ethiopia)
Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice on Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change: Qualitative study (Gut Microbiome in pastoralist community)

12:30-12:45 | ELSA FORTES-GABRIEL (Instituto Superior Técnico Militar (ITSM), Luanda, Angola, Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Angola (CISA), Angola)
Assessment and surveillance on intestinal bacteria and Rotavirus genotypes among under-five children in Bengo Province

12:45-13:00 | Break

13:00-13:15 |  AYODEJI EMMANUEL OGUNBAYO (University of the Free State, Next Generation Sequencing Unit, South Africa)
Application of next-generation sequencing and metagenomics in deciphering the human microbiome (with focus on respiratory virome)

13:15-13:30 | INACIO MANDOMANDO (Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça, Mozambique)
Interference between HIV and Intestinal Microbiota 

13:30-13:45 | AUGUSTINA SYLVERKEN (KNUST, Ghana)
Water Microbiome

13:45-14:00 | MARIA GLORIA DOMINGUEZ-BELLO (Rutgers University, USA)
The Microbiota Vault History

14:00-14:15 | Break


Session 3: Collections, preservation and analyses  

Moderators: AMMA LARBI (Kumasi Center for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine & Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana) & MARIA GLORIA DOMINGUEZ-BELLO (Rutgers University, USA)


14:15-14:30 | DEBORAH DELGADO PUGLEY (Pontificia Universidade Católica del Perú, Perú)
Microbiome conservation in Peru: lessons learn from the GloMiNe- Peru

14:30-14:45 | ADRIAN EGLI (University Hospital Basel, Switzerland)
Collections and preservation: adapting to meet the needs of microbiome research

14:45-15:00 | NICHOLAS BOKULICH (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Fermented food microbiomes: preservation, characterization, and potential

15:00-15:15 | JOHN DE LA PARRA (The Rockefeller Foundation, USA)
The Periodic Table of Food Initiative: Expanding our Chemical Understanding of Fermented Foods

15:15-15:30 | PANDAM SALIFU (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana)
Collections in Africa: An overview of what exists and possibility of a microbiota collection 

15:30-15:45 |  CURTIS HUTTENHOWER (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)
Multi-omics for human microbiome epidemiology and bioactive discovery

15:45-16:00 | Break

16:00-16:15 | ROB KNIGHT (University of California, USA)
Microbiota analyses from 36,000 feet high

16:15-17:00 | Panel discussion & Networking session - Potential for local collections in Africa
Panel members: Alex Kwarteng, Augustina Sylverken, Dorcas Obiri Yeboah and Pandam Salifu 

17:00 | End of GloMiNe 2022 Symposium

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